
Effective date: 16th June 2022



Terms of Use

  • All information, videos, audios, written and otherwise content of Centred Within is used at your own risk.
  • Please note that reading and using Centred Within and all its content, you do so at your own free will.

Copyright Policy

  • Unless otherwise noted, Emma Allen is the legal copyright owner of all material on Centred Within.
  • You cannot use it to reprint or publish, by, but not limited to, mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, for other than “fair use”, as brief quotations, embodied in articles and reviews – without Emma Allen’s prior written consent.
  • If you are sharing any part of this website and it’s content for “fair use”, please include the author and website information to comply with copyright law.

Hold Harmless

  • Any claimed earning potential are estimates on what is possible for you and what you can earn.
  • Any content you use, does not guarantee income and what you do use, you do so at your own risk.
  • We at Centred Within, are not responsible for any actions you make as a result of content, programs or courses and you must accept the risk of not doing so well.
  • Please note, that any information contained on this site, Centred Within or shared via any medium, including, but not limited to, emails, website content, digital products, one on one support, video, blog posts, comments etc, does not at any time replace the services and advice of qualified professionals in the medical and mental health fields, or other health care professional.
  • Please note that by reading and/or using this information, audios and other means of services and products provided by Centred Within at your own risk.
  • Please be aware that Centred Within and other courses, may require components of light physical activity. With this, you take full responsibility for participating in physical activities within your safe limits.
  • Please be aware that Centred Within and other courses, may use some psychodynamic processes that rely on uncovering unconsciousness material to promote change.
  • Any action that you choose to use as a result, you do so at your own risk.
  • We at Centred Within, our facilitators, employees, agents, contractors or consultants accept no responsibility whatsoever for any injury, illness, death, loss, economic hardship or other outcome that may result during or after from your actions.

Reserve Rights

  • We reserve the right to change any content, pricing, platforms, Privacy Policy, Terms of Use at our discretion. So check back time to time to review these conditions.
  • We reserve the right to remove any person from Centred Within, Emma Allen and any branch associated with the aforementioned, at any given time. Abuse will not be tolerated. Any person who is behaving unethically, inappropriately or defamatory against Centred Within